Research Article

Accuracy of Colon Capsule Endoscopy in Detecting Colorectal Polyps in Individuals with Familial Colorectal Cancer: Could We Avoid Colonoscopies?

Table 2

Demographic characteristics of the population.

Sex (M/F), (%)23 (43.1%)/28 (56.9%)
Age (years), mean (SD)48.6 (8.9)
NSAIDs or anticoagulant therapy, (%)7 (13.7%)
Relatives with CRC, mean (SD)1.42 (0.54)
First degree relative, (%)33 (64.7%)
Two or more relatives with CRC, (%)18 (39.6%)
Age at diagnosis of CRC (years), mean (SD)
56.8 (1.8)