Clinical Study

Replaceable Jejunal Feeding Tubes in Severely Ill Children

Table 1

Complications after RJFT placement.

Postoperative complicationsā€‰

Complications necessitating surgical intervention (volvulus, ventriculoperitoneal shunt infection, or small bowel obstruction)3
Guide thread erroneously cut 1
Local skin infection at jejunostomy5
Blockage of feeding tube due to incrustations2
Dysfunction caused by kinking of feeding tube2
Persistent jejunal fistula in an immunocompromised child suffering from Fanconi anemia and GvHD1

Total 14

one child (patient 7), a nurse erroneously cut off the guide thread and the jejunal tube fell off. We inserted a new tube connected to a new guide thread by an endoscopically assisted procedure [26].