Clinical Study

What Is the Value of the Learning Curve in Endoscopic Balloon Dilatation of the Major Papilla?

Table 4

(a) Individual learning curve: success and adverse events rate of each individual endoscopist. First and the second halves of their EPLBD learning curve compared

Endoscopist number 1Endoscopist number 2Endoscopist number 3Endoscopist number 4Endoscopist number 5 value
1st half2nd half1st half2nd half1st half2nd half1st half2nd half1st half2nd half

Success rate, n (%)15/21 (71%)15/21 (71%)13/15 (86%)14/14 (100%)32/35 (91%)31/35 (89%)16/20 (80%)15/19 (79%)6/10 (60%)8/10 (80%)
Adverse event, n (%)2/21 (10%)5/21 (24%)3/15 (21%)3/14 (20%)6/35 (17%)5/35 (14%)3/20 (15%)3/19 (16%)0/10 (0%)2/10 (20%)

(b) Overall group learning curve: success and adverse events rate of the entire group over time. Analysis was conducted by comparing groups of 50 consecutive patients

0–50 cases51–100 cases101–150 cases151–200 cases value

Success rate, n (%)39/50 (78%)35/50 (70%)39/50 (78%)40/50 (90%)0.33
Adverse event rate, n (%)5/50 (10%)10/50 (20%)10/50 (20%)7/50 (14%)0.44