Research Article

Hiatoplasty with Crura Buttressing versus Hiatoplasty Alone during Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Table 2

Symptoms, endoscopy, and biopsy findings.

Group A
Group B

GERD symptomatic patients, n (%)8 (66.6)9 (52.9)0.7032
Preoperative diagnosis of HH, n (%)6 (50)15 (88.2)0.0382
Intraoperative diagnosis of HH, n (%)6 (50)2 (11.7)0.0382
Preoperative grade A esophagitis, n (%)4 (33.3)4 (23.5)0.6828
Eradicated Helicobacter pylori, n (%)3 (25)8 (47.05)0.2732

GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease; HH: hiatal hernia. Statistically significant differences in bold.