Clinical Study

Multicenter Phase 2 Study about the Safety of No Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Use in Low-Risk Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Distal Gastrectomy for Gastric Carcinoma (KSWEET-01 Study)

Table 4

Multivariate analysis of risk factors for SSI.

OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Age (years)1.04 (0.97–1.13)0.281
Male1.29 (0.39–4.29)0.676
BMI1.16 (0.99–1.35)0.0731.19 (0.99–1.45)0.058
Comorbidity0.66 (0.19–2.30)0.516
Preoperative albumin0.14 (0.03–0.79)0.0250.45 (0.03–7.39)0.574
Extracorporeal anastomosis16.55 (1.39–197.70)0.02778.70 (3.18–1948.98)0.008
D2 LND7.62 (1.95–29.82)0.0047.45 (1.15–48.06)0.035
RYGJ0.17 (0.03–0.81)0.0260.17 (0.02–1.48)0.108
Omentectomy1.01 (0.11–8.96)0.992
Operating time0.99 (0.98–1.00)0.166
Operative blood loss1.01 (0.99–1.02)0.151
SSI preventive measures0.24 (0.06–0.95)0.0430.63 (0.11–3.79)0.613

BMI: body mass index; LND: lymph node dissection; RYGJ: Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy; SSI: surgical site infection; OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.