Research Article

Influence of Dietary Factors on Helicobacter pylori and CagA Seroprevalence in Bulgaria

Table 2

Risk factors for positive CagA IgG among 294 Bulgarian healthy donors confirmed by logistic regression analysis.

Outcome variableExposure (independent) variableB1SEM2OR95% CI3

Positive for CagA IgGAge0.0350.0110.00110361.014–1.057
Positive for CagA IgGYoghurt (frequent consumers (>5 days(week) versus the rest of the subjects)−0.5800.2540.0220.5600.341–0.921
Positive for CagA IgGHoney (frequent consumers (>5 days(week) versus the rest of the subjects)−0.4370.1460.0030.6460.486–0.859

1B: regression coefficient of the logistic regression; 2SEM: standard error of the mean of the regression coefficients; 395% CI for the OR (Exp(B)).