Clinical Study

Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction with Feeding Intolerance in Critically Ill Patients: A Study according to Gut Wall Analysis

Table 3

Comparison of the efficacy of nonsurgical treatment and ileostomy between the groups.


Nonsurgical treatment105/138 (73.91)47/48 (97.91)58/90 (64.4)<0.001
 Conservative treatment52/138 (37.68)30/48 (62.50)22/90 (24.44)<0.001
 Neostigmine26/86 (30.23)14/18 (77.78)12/68 (17.64)<0.001
 Colonoscopic decompression27/59 (45.00)3/4 (75.00)24/56 (42.86)0.318
Surgery27/33 (81.81)1/1 (100)26/32 (81.25)0.212

ACPO-NT: acute colonic pseudo-obstruction without obvious thickening of the colonic gut wall; ACPO-T: acute colonic pseudo-obstruction with obvious acute thickening of the colonic gut wall.
All values are expressed as effective/total (efficacy %).