Clinical Study

Conservative Management of Spontaneous Isolated Dissection of the Superior Mesenteric Artery

Table 2

Patient demographics and clinical features with spontaneous isolated dissection of the superior mesenteric artery ().

Featuresn (%)

Mean age (range), years53.6 (41–73)
Follow-up (mean ± SD, range),
months ()
20.6 ± 18.1 (1–54)
Male (n, %)10 (71.4)
 Severity of initial pain (VAS,
mean (range)) ()
7 (5–9)
 Duration of initial severe pain
(days, mean (range)) ()
2.6 (1–14)
 Total duration of pain (days, mean
(range)) ()
10.1 (2–42)
 Onset mode
  Acute11 (78.7)
  Insidious1 (7.1)
  Incidental1 (7.1)
  N/A1 (7.1)
  Not available2
 Other symptoms
  Cold sweating1
  Radiating pain to back2
  Postprandial pain2
 Medical comorbidities and risk factors
  Diabetes mellitus1
  Cerebrovascular disease1
  Smoking (current and ex-smoker)6

SD: standard deviation; NRS: numerical rating scale.