Review Article

Erythromycin for Promoting the Postpyloric Placement of Feeding Tubes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the included studies.

AuthorCountrySubjectsPatients (n)
Age (yr)
M/FIntervention groups
Method for judging feeding tubeOutcomes

Griffith 2003USASurgical critically ill patients requiring enteral nutrition
Age: ≥18 years
14/2254.6/59.725/11Erythromycin 500 mg IV single dose versus saline placeboAn abdominal X-ray was obtained within 1 hr of the procedureSuccessful postpyloric feeding tube insertion
Kalliafas 1996USASurgical critically ill patients requiring enteral nutrition
Age: ≥18 years
31/2654.7/57.330/27Erythromycin 200 mg IV single dose versus saline placeboAn abdominal X-ray was obtained within 30 min of the procedureSuccessful postpyloric feeding tube insertion
Paz 1996USACritically ill patients requiring enteral nutrition
Age: 22–85 years
21/1658.9/68.436/27Erythromycin 200 mg IV single dose versus saline placeboA chest radiograph was obtained 30 min after tube placement(1) Successful postpyloric feeding tube insertion
(2) Number of attempts prior to successful tube placement
Van den 2011NetherlandsAcute pancreatitis patients requiring jejunal enteral nutrition (exclude ICU)
Age: 18–80 years
22/1849.0/52.017/23Erythromycin 250 mg IV four dose versus saline placeboAn abdominal X-ray was obtained at 24/48 hr of the procedureSuccessful postpyloric feeding tube insertion
Zhao 2002ChinaCritically ill patients requiring enteral nutrition
Age: 26–85 years
19/1858.0/60.025/12Erythromycin 250 mg IV single dose versus saline placeboAn abdominal X-ray was obtained within 3 hr of the procedureSuccessful postpyloric feeding tube insertion
Chen 2009ChinaCritically ill patients requiring enteral nutrition
Age: ≥18 years
39/4272.1/65.950/31Erythromycin 250 mg IV two dose versus saline placeboAn abdominal X-ray was obtained after 24 hr of the procedureSuccessful postpyloric feeding tube insertion