Research Article

Preserving the Mucosa to the Maximum Possible Extent for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of Subcircumferential Superficial Esophageal Carcinoma

Table 2

The patients’ characteristics and the details of management after ESD.

Non-LB groupLB group value

Number of patients718
Median procedure time (min) [range]156.0 [110–210]140.0 [60–340]0.544※※
Median lesion size (mm) [range]59.5 [52–85]56.0 [42–82]0.412※※
Median resected specimen size (mm) [range]67.5 [59–105]60.0 [47–87]0.363※※
pHM x (%)0 (0)3 (16.7)0.724
pHM1 (%)0 (0)4 (22.2)0.558
Local recurrence (%)0 (0)0 (0)
Median observation period (days) [range]806 [184–2512]763 [42–1834]0.288※※
Median post-ESD period until complete epithelization (days) [range]105 [48–132]51.0 [25–76]0.012※※
Number of EBD patients (%)4 (57.1)6 (33.3)0.490
Median number of EBD sessions (number) [range]2 [2–9]1 [1–8]0.122※※
Median total
Triamcinolone dose (mg) [range]
220 [152–312]106 [40–216]0.008※※
Median injection sessions (number) [range]5.0 [2–10]2.3 [1–4]0.025※※

Fisher’s exact test; ※※Mann–Whitney U test.