Research Article

Diagnosis of Superficial Gastric Lesions Together with Six Gastric Lymphoma Cases via Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy: A Retrospective Observational Study

Figure 2

Histopathological examination for case 1 (a–c, DLBCL), case 3 (d–f, MALT lymphoma), and case 6 (g–i, MALT lymphoma). For DLBCL, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining shows massive large cell infiltration with vesicular nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and basophilic cytoplasm (a, ×40). For MALT lymphoma, H&E staining shows dense diffuse infiltrate of centrocyte-like cells and the presence of lymphoepithelial lesions (d, g; ×40). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) sections showing infiltrating lymphoma cells express strong positivity with anti-CD20 stain, confirming their B-cell origin (b, e, h; ×400). (c, f, i) indicate the IHC staining for Ki-67 (×400). Positive staining is indicated by the brown color. In the DLBCL case (c), the neoplastic cells show prominent immunoreactivity to Ki-67.