Research Article

Colorectal Adenoma Risk Is Increased among Recently Diagnosed Adult Celiac Disease Patients

Table 1

Comparison of the main characteristics of celiac disease patients and controls.

Celiac disease patients (%, n/N)Control subjects (%, n/N)OR (95% CI)

Gender (male)26.3 (15/57)59.3 (70/118)0.24 (0.11–0.51)<0.001
Age58 (49–75)57 (50–64)N/A0.9
Familiar history of colorectal neoplasia24.5 (14/57)28 (33/118)0.83 (0.41–1.73)0.6
Obesity1.7 (1/57)21.2 (25/118)0.06 (0.008–0.54)0.001
Diabetes3.5 (2/57)7.6 (9/118)0.44 (0.09–2.12)0.3
Tabaquism29.8 (17/57)15.2 (18/118)2.33 (1.08–5.03)0.02
Colonoscopy characteristics
 Cecal intubation96.5 (55/57)97.5 (115/118)0.71 (0.11–4.44)0.7
 B-BPS7 (5–9)7 (6–9)N/A0.2
 Withdrawal time6 (5–10)7 (6–9)N/A0.3

B-BPS: Boston Bowel Preparation Scale.