Research Article

Development and Validation of the Coeliac Disease Food Attitudes and Behaviours Scale

Table 4

The Coeliac Disease Food Attitudes and Behaviours scale (CD-FAB). Instructions: this questionnaire is designed to explore food attitudes and beliefs in coeliac disease. Some questions may not apply to you; this is because we are trying to assess a range of beliefs about coeliac disease and managing the gluten-free diet. Please fill out the form below as accurately, honestly, and completely as possible. There are no right or wrong answers. All of your responses are confidential. Please tick the box that best describes your response to the question.

Strongly agree (7)Agree (6)Somewhat agree (5)Neither agree nor disagree (4)Somewhat disagree (3)Disagree (2)Strongly disagree (1)

Because of my coeliac disease…
I get concerned being near others when they are eating gluten
I am afraid to eat outside my home
I am afraid to touch gluten-containing foods
I get worried when eating with strangers
I find it hard to eat gluten-free foods that look like the gluten-containing foods that have made me ill in the past
I will only eat food that I have prepared myself
My concerns about cross-contamination prevent me from going to social events involving food
Despite having coeliac disease…
I enjoy going out for meals as much as I did before my diagnosis
I am comfortable eating gluten-free food from other people’s kitchens
Being contaminated by gluten in the past has not stopped me from enjoying restaurants
If I ask questions, I can normally find gluten-free food to eat

Reverse items with and add all scores to make total score.