Research Article

The Role of C-Reactive Protein in the Early Prediction of Serious Pancreatic Fistula Development after Pancreaticoduodenectomy

Table 7

ROC analysis with maximum combination of sensitivity and specificity of CRP values and their changes to predict clinically relevant POPF.

ParameterValueAUCSensitivitySpecificity95% CI
Lower boundUpper bound

POD1 CRP>5.50.3350.4077027.10.2260.588
POD3 CRP>22.50.0800.66870710.5080.828
POD5 CRP>190.00010.8519082.20.7420.959
Δ POD3-POD1>7.50.0420.6958058.90.5460.844
Δ POD5-POD1>2.50.00010.85310063.60.7700.937
Δ POD5-POD3> −7.50.0450.6929042.10.5270.857