Research Article

Artificial Neural Network Individualised Prediction of Time to Colorectal Cancer Surgery

Figure 2

The neuronal links and strengths for the eight-week ANN. Graphical representation facilitates investigation of the identified associations and their strengths. ANN is inspired by the way the human brain processes information. It is composed of a large number of highly interconnected processing elements (neurons) working in unison to solve specific problems. Our example is the commonest type of artificial neural network consisting of three layers: “inputs” connected to “hidden” units, which are connected to a layer of “output” units. The activity of the input units represents the raw information that is fed into the network. The inputs are “weighted,” with the effect that each input has at decision making which is dependent on the weight of that particular input. These weighted inputs are then added together through an adder function (linear combiner) for computing the weighted sum of the inputs. The behaviour of each hidden unit is determined by the activities of the input units and the weights on the connections between the input and the hidden units. Output units depend on the activity of the hidden units and the weights between the hidden and output units. If they exceed a preset threshold value, the neuron fires. In any other case, the neuron does not fire. This ANN could identify targets for quality improvement efforts to improve clinical practices. Abbreviations: DtL: diagnosis to laparoscopy; DtL8weeksPlus: patients waiting under (0) or over [1] eight weeks from diagnosis to laparoscopy; ASA: American Society of Anaesthesiologists score; BMI: body mass index; H: “Hidden” unit layer. In this figure, 0 reflects no/not used/female gender/colonic cancer as appropriate with 1 denoting yes/positive/males/rectal cancer as appropriate.