Research Article

Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery Is Feasible and Safe for Hepatic Left Lateral Sectionectomy for Benign Liver Lesions

Table 1

Patient’s demographic and clinical characteristics.

ParametersSPL ()CL ()

Age (year)0.260
 Male11 (27.5)10 (40.0)
 Female29 (72.5)15 (60.0)
BMI (kg/m2)0.608
 Cavernous hemangioma29 (72.5)15 (60.0)
 HCC6 (15.0)8 (32.0)
 FNH4 (10.0)2 (8.0)
 PEComas1 (2.5)0 (0.0)
Child-Pugh score1.000
 A40 (100.0)25 (100.0)
Tumor size (cm2)0.241
Lesion size (cm)0.589

SPL = single-port laparoscopic hepatectomy; CL = conventional laparoscopic hepatectomy; BMI = body mass index; FNH = focal nodular hyperplasia; HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma; PEComas = perivascular epithelioid cell tumors.