Research Article

Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery Is Feasible and Safe for Hepatic Left Lateral Sectionectomy for Benign Liver Lesions

Table 3

VAS pain score compared between groups while covariates were controlled.

Parameters24 hours after surgery7 days after surgery
(95% CI) (95% CI)

 CL0.68 (0.22-1.14)0.0050.17 (-0.29-0.63)0.469
 Female-0.08 (-0.59-0.42)0.7380.31 (-0.20-0.81)0.227
Age (year)-0.03 (-0.06-0.00)0.0660.00 (-0.03-0.03)0.900
 Cavernous hemangiomaRef.Ref.
 HCC0.51 (-0.22-1.25)0.1660.04 (-0.70-0.77)0.918
 FNH-0.38 (-1.18-0.42)0.3490.18 (-0.62-0.99)0.648
 PEComas0.19 (-1.55-1.93)0.8270.39 (-1.35-2.13)0.654
Tumor size (cm2)0.00 (-0.01-0.01)0.3480.00 (-0.01-0.01)0. 635

The multivariate linear regression model was adjusted for the demographic and clinical characteristics as well as the independent variables with significant difference between the SPL and CL groups. To eliminate the impact of the learning curve for SPL, operative time was included as a confounding factor into the multivariate linear regression model. VAS = visual analogue scale;  = regression coefficient; SPL = single-port laparoscopic hepatectomy; CL = conventional laparoscopic hepatectomy; FNH = focal nodular hyperplasia; HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma; PEComas = perivascular epithelioid cell tumors.