Research Article

Stricture Prevention after Extensive Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of Neoplastic Barrett’s Esophagus: Individualized Oral Steroid Prophylaxis

Table 2

Procedure characteristics (R0 for neoplasia was defined as R0 for cancer and high-grade dysplasia. Rx resection was diagnosed at the HM in one lesion and at the HM in another).

Procedure time, median (range) (minutes)150 (75-300)
Resection rates, (%)
En bloc resection23 (100)
R status for neoplasia, R0/R1/Rx21 (91.3)/0/2 (8.7)
R status for Barrett’s metaplasia, R0/R1/Rx8 (34.8)/15 (65.2)/0

Resection ulcer
75-89% of the circumference, (%)12 (52.2)
90-99% of the circumference, (%)7 (30.4)
100% of the circumference, (%)4 (17.4)

Resection specimen
Horizontal diameter, median (range) (mm)70 (43-110)
Vertical diameter, median (range) (mm)45 (20-65)

Histopathological diagnosis
Adenocarcinoma, (%)23 (100)
Single lesion, (%)16 (69.6%)
Diameter of single lesion; median (range) (mm)40 (10-60)
Multifocal neoplasia, (%)7 (30.4%)

Invasion depth, mucosal (pT1a)/submucosal (pT1b)21/2
Grading, G1/G2/G314/6/3
Lymphatic invasion1
Vascular invasion0