Research Article

Clinical Outcomes and Adverse Events of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Gastric Tube Cancer after Esophagectomy

Figure 1

(a) An endoscopic image obtained during endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD). Perforation occurred during the submucosal dissection (yellow arrow). (b) An endoscopic image obtained during ESD. Endoloops and endoclips were used in an attempt to close the perforation during ESD after the lesion was resected en bloc. (c) A computed tomography (CT) image taken immediately after ESD. CT revealed refluxed gastric and duodenal juice that leaked outside of the gastric tube (yellow arrow). (d) A CT image obtained the following day. CT revealed that the fluid had spread extensively within the mediastinum (yellow arrow), which led to the development of mediastinitis.