Research Article

Endoscopic Submucosal Single- or Multi-tunnel Dissection for Near-Circumferential and Circumferential Superficial Esophageal Neoplastic Lesions

Table 2

Endoscopic features of the lesions.

Operative time, mean (min) (35-240)
Dissection speed, mean (range) (mm2/min) (7.1-73)
En bloc resection (%)124 (100%)
 R0 resection87 (70.2%)
 R1 resection37 (29.8%)
Positive resection margins () (%)53 (42.7%)
Follow-up, mean (range) (mon) (1-44)
Additional esophagectomy () (%)11 (8.9%)
 Residual cancer1
Complications () (%)
 Perforation1 (0.8%)
 Damaged of circular muscle60 (48.4%)
 Cardiac mucosal laceration7 (5.6%)
 Gastric fundus perforation patients2 (1.6%)
 Stenosis54 (43.5%)