Research Article

Accuracy of Colon Capsule Endoscopy for Colorectal Neoplasia Detection in Individuals Referred for a Screening Colonoscopy

Table 1

Bowel preparation regimen.


Day -2All dayLow-residue diet, abundant liquids
Day -1All dayClear liquids
7 pm–9 pm3 litres of PEG
Examination day7 am–8:30 am1 litres of PEG
1 hour after PEGSwallow capsule
1st booster (detection of the small intestine)30 mL of NAP + 1.0 litres water
2nd booster (3 hours after the first booster)25 mL of NAP + 0.5 litres water
Suppository (2 hours after the second booster)Glycerin suppository 2 g

Administered prokinetic agents (metoclopramide, 10 mg), if capsule in the ; PEG: polyethylene glycol; NAP: natrium phosphate.