Research Article

Can Disturbed Liver Perfusion Revealed in p-CT on the First Day of Acute Pancreatitis Provide Information about the Expected Severity of the Disease?

Table 3

Comparison of 4 subgroups with regard to mean PS.

Liver PSNo progression with no changesNo progression with changesPeripancreatic progressionPancreatic progression

Mean (SD)95.8 (3.5)93.0 (13.4)87.4 (10.0)82.0 (15.4)
95% CI(94.3; 97.2)(84.9; 101.0)(82.6; 92.2)(75.2; 88.9)
Range (min-max)86.6-101.149.9-100.654.3-96.046.1-98.6