Clinical Study

Endoscopic Dilation of Refractory Postlaryngectomy Strictures: A Case Series and Literature Review

Table 1

Patient and total laryngectomy characteristics.

PatientAgeSexMalignancy and stagingMalignancy treatmentTL indicationTL surgical approachTEP placement?Postop complications (other than strictures)Salivary bypass tubes?

#160MSCC of the left supraglottic larynx (T4aN2cM0)Primary TL with adjuvant postop chemoRT (cisplatin)Treatment of malignancyTL, partial pharyngectomy, partial glossectomy, tracheoesophageal puncture, cricopharyngeal myotomy, partial left thyroidectomy with right sternocleidomastoid muscle pedicle rotational flap and left radial forearm free flapYes (primary)PCF; leakage around TEP; 2 inadvertent TEP dislodgements (replaced)No
#269FCancer of epiglottis with the type and stage unknown; primary SCC of the left supraglottic larynx (unknown stage) 27 years laterSurgical resection and postop XRT of epiglottic cancer; primary chemoRT (unsure cancer stage, radiation dose or type of chemo) for primary laryngeal cancerNonfunctional larynx with chronic aspiration and significant dysphagiaTL, partial pharyngectomy, right sternocleidomastoid muscle pedicle flaps, left pec muscle flapYes (secondary)NoneNo
#358FSCC of the glottic larynx (T3N2bM0), later restaged to T4N0M0ChemoRT initially, then primary TL with adjuvant postop chemoRT (cisplatin)Treatment of malignancyTL, left modified radical neck dissection, primary TP puncture and cricopharyngeal myotomyYes (primary)Orocutaneous fistula with chyle leak; leakage around TEP; 2 TEP embeddings (resolved with outpatient speech language pathologist intervention)Yes
#458MSCC of the larynx (unknown stage)ChemoRT, developed recurrent disease 1 year later and required salvage laryngopharynectomyTreatment of malignancyLaryngopharyngectomy with left pectoral flap and bilateral neck LN dissectionNoPCF; extensive peristomal granulation tissue s/p surgical excision; bleeding from a stomaNo
#561MSCC of the larynx (T4N0M0), incidental papillary thyroid cancerPrimary TL and right hemithyroidectomy with adjuvant postop chemoRT (cisplatin and 70 Gy)Treatment of malignancyTL, right hemithyroidectomy, tracheoesophageal puncture, cricopharyngeal myotomyYes (primary)NoneNo
#650FSCC of left TVC (T3N2bM0)XRT and left modified radical neck dissection ~25 years agoChondroradionecrosis of the laryngeal structures and laryngocutaneous fistulaTL with left pectoral flapYes (secondary)PCF; 20 hyperbaric treatmentsYes
#764MSCC of the larynx (T3N1M0)Primary TL with adjuvant postop XRTTreatment of malignancyTL with left neck dissectionYes (secondary)Perforation of the posterior cervical esophageal wall after secondary TP requiring gastrostomy and hyperbaric O2 at outside facility; leakage around TEP; Candida overgrowth of a stomaNo