Research Article

The Impact of Surgery on Long-Term Survival of Patients with Primary Gastric Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A SEER Population-Based Study

Figure 2

After propensity score matching, 1890 patients were selected for recursive partitioning analysis. Low-risk patients: 51% ( years, stage I/II, with/without chemotherapy), intermediate-risk patients: 31% ( years, stage I/II patients, chemotherapy; , stage III/IV, with chemotherapy), and high-risk patients: 18% ( years, without chemotherapy; years, stage III/IV, with chemotherapy; years, stage III/IV, without chemotherapy) (number 0 means survival and number 1 means survival ). For example: 1, .38, .62, and 100% in the 1st box, the number 1 means survival , .38 means the death rate is 38%, .62 means the survival rate is 62%, and 100% means the whole patients in the 1st box.