Research Article

Immuno-Inflammatory Characteristics in Low Severity COVID-19 Patients with Digestive Symptoms

Table 2

Multiorgan function change characteristics based on the classification of the main symptoms in COVID-19 patients on admission.

ItemsTotal ()Digestive Only()Respiratory Only()Digestive+Respiratory ()

Blood biochemistry
TBil (μmol/L)12.9 (2.15-35.7)12.1 (6.7-22.9)13.1 (2.15-35.7)13.2 (4.1-26.3)0.391
 ≤19.0 μmol/L189 (91.7%)44 (91.7%)83 (93.3%)62 (89.9%)0.743
 >19.0 μmol/L17 (8.3%)4 (8.3%)6 (6.7%)7 (10.1%)
DBil (μmol/L)4.6 (1.7-16.6)4.2 (2.3-9.6)5.1 (2.0-16.6)4.2 (1.7-9.7)0.008
 ≤6.8 μmol/L185 (89.8%)45 (93.8%)76 (85.4%)64 (92.8%)0.186
 >6.8 μmol/L21 (10.2%)3 (6.2%)13 (14.6%)5 (7.2%)
TP (g/L)63.5 (52.7-81.8)63.9 (54.2-74.5)62.9 (58.8-81.8)64.0 (52.7-76.4)0.525
 <64 g/L107 (51.9%)24 (50.0%)47 (52.8%)36 (52.2%)0.951
 ≥64 g/L99 (48.1%)24 (50.0%)42 (47.2%)33 (47.8%)
Albumin (g/L)36.5 (23.9-68.0)36.3 (27.8-43.8)36.3 (24.6-68.0)36.9 (23.9-47.8)0.723
 <35 g/L76 (36.9%)13 (27.1%)37 (41.6%)26 (37.7%)0.242
 ≥35 g/L130 (63.1%)35 (72.9%)52 (58.4%)43 (62.3%)
ALT (U/L)36.4 (7-498)32.4 (7-176)40.8 (7-498)33.7 (7-152)0.229
 ≤35 U/L143 (69.4%)35 (72.9%)60 (67.4%)48 (69.6%)0.800
 >35 U/L63 (30.6%)13 (27.1%)29 (32.6%)21 (30.4%)
AST (U/L)31.9 (10-346)29.9 (11-81)35.4 (12-346)28.9 (10-135)0.167
 ≤40 U/L175 (85.0%)41 (85.4%)75 (84.3%)59 (85.5%)0.972
 >40 U/L31 (15.0%)7 (14.6%)14 (15.7%)10 (14.5%)
ALP (U/L)72.5 (19-250)76.4 (27-214)75.1 (19-250)66.3 (33-141)0.100
 <150 U/L201 (97.6%)46 (95.8%)86 (96.6%)69 (100.0%)0.123
 >150 U/L5 (2.4%)2 (4.2%)3 (3.4%)0 (0.0%)
GGT (U/L)38.6 (7-291)39.6 (8-196)39.9 (7-291)36.1 (11-162)0.786
 <50 U/L157 (76.2%)39 (81.2%)65 (73.0%)53 (76.8%)0.554
 >50 U/L49 (23.8%)9 (18.8%)24 (27.0%)16 (23.2%)
LDH (U/L)230.7 (15-649)241.2 (88-649)230.4 (15-527)223.7 (114-497)0.549
 <245 U/L140 (68.0%)29 (60.4%)60 (67.4%)48 (69.6%)0.539
 >245 U/L66 (32.0%)19 (39.6%)29 (32.6%)21 (30.4%)
CREA (44-133 μmol/L)73.3 (39.6-430)67.8 (44.4-121)79.2 (41.6-430)69.5 (39.6-121)0.128
Glu (3.9-6.1 mmol/L)6.1 (1.79-20.06)5.62 (3.95-13.49)6.4 (1.79-15.04)6.1 (3.94-20.06)0.700
K (3.5-5.2 mmol/L)4.0 (2.8-5.79)4.1 (3.27-5.79)4.0 (2.8-5.79)4.0 (2.8-5.1)0.276
Ca (2.03-2.54 mmol/L)2.2 (0.2-4.51)2.2 (1.92-3.21)2.2 (1.78-4.51)2.2 (0.2-2.54)0.642
hsTNI (<26.2 ng/L)4.6 (0.4-38.0)4.9 (0.5-34.7)5.1 (0.4-38.0)3.5 (0.7-19.2)0.285
Blood routine and coagulation function
HGB (130-175 g/L)122.3 (80-159)119.6 (94-151)122.5 (80-161)123.9 (93-159)0.390
PLT (125-350 G/L)241.9 (24-537)239.9 (91-479)242.9 (24-463)241.8 (102-537)0.982
APTT (28-43.5 s)37.1 (13.7-56.3)37.3 (28.1-55.8)37.7 (26.2-56.3)36.3 (13.7-49.9)0.329
PT (11-16 s)13.3 (11.4-16.6)13.4 (11.4-15.4)13.4 (11.9-16.6)13.2 (11.7-15.0)0.237
D-dimer (<0.5 ng/L)1.0 (0.2-20)1.0 (0.2-20)1.0 (0.2-13.01)0.9 (0.2-8.78)0.383