Research Article

Effect of Combined Live Probiotics Alleviating the Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Functional Bowel Disorders

Table 1

Participant data (, , %).

ItemsProbiotics groupControl groupIndependent sample -test or chi-square test

 Age (, years),
 Male/female ()9/166/19,
 GSRS (median IQR),
 BMI (kg/m2),
 Weight (kg),
 Positive rate of SIBO (%)6052
 Shannon index,
 Simpson index,
4 weeks after colonoscopy and treatment
 GSRS (median IQR)ab,
 BMI (kg/m2)a,
 Weight (kg)a,
 Positive rate of SIBO (%)28a56,
 Shannon index,
 Simpson index,

GSRS: gastrointestinal symptom rating scale; BMI: body mass index; SIBO: small intestinal bacteria overgrowth; SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range; OTU: operational taxonomic unit. aPaired values of one month after colonoscopy vs. baseline in the probiotics group (, paired sample -test or Wilcoxon test). bValues of one month after colonoscopy vs. baseline in the control group (, paired sample -test or Wilcoxon test).