Research Article

Validation and Refinement of the Baveno VI Criteria for Ruling Out High-Risk Varices

Table 1

Validation of the Baveno VI criteria.

AuthorResearch population (, etiology)Prevalence of HRV (, %)Spared endoscopyMissed HRVs/saved endoscopiesMissed HRVs/total HRVs

Maurice [48]310, mixed15 (5%)102/310 (33.0%)2/102 (2.0%)2/15 (13.3%)
Jangouk [66]262, mixed US cohort (161)14 (9%)41/161 (25.4%)0/41 (0%)0/14 (0%)
Italian cohort (101)17 (17%)16/101 (15.8%)0/16 (0%)0/17 (0%)
Sousa [72]104, mixed9 (9%)48/104 (46.2%)0/48 (0%)0/9 (0%)
Wong [58]127, mixed11 (9%)105/127 (82.7%)1/105 (1.0%)1/11 (9.1%)
Petta [32]790, NAFLD
Training cohort (314)32 (10%)106/314 (33.8%)1/106 (0.9%)1/32 (3.1%)
Validation cohort (338)45 (13%)113/338 (33.4%)5/113 (4.4%)5/45 (11.1%)
Bae [51]282, mixed55 (20%)78/282 (27.6%)3/78 (3.8%)3/55 (5.5%)
Colecchia [63]498, mixed
Internal cohort (240)46 (19%)52/240 (21.7%)1/52 (1.9%)1/46 (2.2%)
External cohort (115)15 (13%)19/115 (16.5%)0/19 (0%)0/15 (0%)
Tosetti [68]442, mixed31 (7%)86/442 (19.5%)0/86 (0%)0/31 (0%)
Lee [53]1218, mixed249 (20%)313/1218 (25.7%)6/313 (1.9%)6/249 (2.4%)
Stefanescu [64]185, mixed43 (23%)15/185 (8.1%)0/15 (0%)0/43 (0%)
Gaete [73]300, mixed54 (18%)95/300 (31.7%)1/95 (1.1%)1/54 (1.9%)
Moctezuma-Velazquez [33]227, PBC, PSC30 (13%)82/227 (36.1%)0/82 (0%)0/30 (0%)
Protopapas [71]107, mixed22 (21%)13/107 (12.1%)0/13 (0%)0/22 (0%)

Note: HRV—high-risk varices; NAFLD—nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; PBC—primary biliary cholangitis; PSC—primary sclerosing cholangitis.