Research Article

P2X3 Receptor in Primary Afferent Neurons Mediates the Relief of Visceral Hypersensitivity by Electroacupuncture in an Irritable Bowel Syndrome Rat Model

Figure 4

Changes in the membrane electrical properties of the colon-associated DRG neurons. (a) The left figure shows differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging of DRG neurons after digestion, and the right figure shows fluorescence imaging of colon-associated neurons labeled with DiI. (b) Representative traces of APs after a 200 pA depolarization current injection into DiI-labeled neurons. (c) Changes in the cell RMP in colon-related DRG neurons. (d) Changes in the rheobase in colon-related DRG neurons. (e) Number of APs of neuronal cells in colon-related DRG. , .