Research Article

Immune Modulation Effects of Lactobacillus casei Variety rhamnosus on Enterocytes and Intestinal Stem Cells in a 5-FU-Induced Mucositis Mouse Model

Figure 1

Daily body weight change in saline- or 5-FU-injected mice with/without probiotic Lcr35 administration. The mice were weighed daily, and the results of all groups were compared with those of 5-FU-saline groups for 5 days. In the control groups, the mice were injected with saline and administrated with saline or Lcr35. In the experimental groups, the mice were injected with 5-FU and administrated with or without Lcr35. Data on starting body weight are expressed as 100% from day 0. The body weight percentage sharply decreased from the 2nd day after 5-FU treatment. The weight percentage of the 5-FU+Lcr35 group () was significantly decreased when compared to that of the 5-FU group () (). Statistical analysis was performed by one-way ANOVA.