Research Article

Ultrasound-Assisted versus Endoscopic Nasojejunal Tube Placement for Acute Pancreatitis: A Retrospective Feasibility Study

Table 2

Clinical outcomes.

VariablesUltrasound assistance ()Endoscopy ()

Successful primary tube placement, no. (%)28 (93.3%)22 (95.7%)1.00
Time between prescription and initiation of NJT placement (h)4 (3-6)12 (6-24)<0.001
Procedural time (min)20 (17.25-25)20 (15-20)0.02
Length of ICU stay (d)8 (3.75-17.25)8 (3-23)0.73
Infected necrotizing pancreatitis, no. (%)13 (43.3)10 (43.5)0.99
Mortality, no. (%)5 (16.7)6 (26.1)0.62

Data are presented as (%) or median (interquartile range). NJT: nasojejunal tube; ICU: intensive care unit.