Review Article

A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Medications in the Treatment of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation in Japan

Table 3

The relative efficacy of typical doses of subject mediations compared with placebo.
(a) Change in weekly SBMs (mean difference and corresponding 95% Crls)

Elobixibat 10 mg
2.406 (-0.166, 5.322)Linaclotide 0.5 mg
1.359 (-1.611, 4.134)-1.047 (-4.286, 1.648)Lubiprostone 48 μg
2.952 (-0.232, 6.544)0.547 (-2.895, 4.025)1.579 (-1.690, 5.463)Lactulose 26 g
4.663 (2.932, 6.696)2.249 (0.226, 4.241)3.306 (1.353, 5.752)1.704 (-1.142, 4.503)Placebo

(b) Proportion of patients with SBM within 24 hours (relative risk and corresponding 95% Crls)

Elobixibat 10 mg
1.374 (0.529, 3.839)Linaclotide 0.5 mg
0.889 (0.390, 2.035)0.645 (0.218, 1.800)Lubiprostone 48 μg
1.149 (0.433, 3.302)0.836 (0.247, 2.829)1.295 (0.453, 3.910)Lactulose 26 g
2.051 (1.277, 3.579)1.493 (0.640, 3.516)2.317 (1.259, 4.542)1.789 (0.749, 4.308)Placebo

(c) Time to first SBM (mean difference and corresponding 95% Crls)

Elobixibat 10 mg
-8.362 (-22.320, 5.561)Linaclotide 0.5 mg
-0.735 (-25.167, 22.572)7.620 (-17.334, 31.086)Lubiprostone 48 μg
-8.072 (-24.794, 9.007)0.514 (-16.070, 16.286)-7.219 (-32.774, 18.158)Lactulose 26 g
-26.438 (-36.588, -15.795)-17.961 (-27.797, -8.897)-25.481 (-47.119, -3.493)-18.403 (-31.464, -5.301)Placebo

(d) Changes in weekly CSBMs (mean difference and corresponding 95% Crls)

Elobixibat 10 mg
0.779 (-1.194, 2.692)Linaclotide 0.5 mg
2.336 (0.885, 3.716)1.552 (0.230, 2.841)Placebo

Crl: credible interval; CSBM: complete spontaneous bowel movement; SBM: spontaneous bowel movement.