Research Article

Prognostic Value of TRPM7 Expression and Factor XIIIa-Expressing Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Gastric Cancer

Figure 6

Relationship between Factor XIIIa-expressing tumor-associated macrophage density and classical prognostic parameters and prognosis. (a) Tumor size was larger (5.0 cm (2.5, interquartile range)) in a group with high Factor XIIIa-expressing tumor-associated macrophage density compared to those with low one (4.0 cm (3.0, interquartile range)). As the density of Factor XIIIa-expressing tumor-associated macrophages increased, (b) lymph node metastasis (, ANOVA), (c) distant metastasis (, ANOVA), and (d) TNM stage (, ANOVA) also increased. In Kaplan-Meier analysis, high Factor XIIIa-expressing tumor-associated macrophage density was significantly associated with both (e) shorter overall (, log rank) and (f) disease-free survival times (, log rank).