Research Article

The Impact of ASCITIC Paracentesis on Symptomatic Outcomes in Palliative Patients: 3-Year Experience of a Melbourne Inpatient Palliative Care Unit Using Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration Assessments

Table 1

Characteristics of patients.

Age (years), range68.65, 40–89
Male gender n, (%)13 (50%)
Female gender n, (%)13 (50%)
Admissions per person median, (range)1(1–6)
Length of stay n (days), (range)15.54, (1–82)
Aetiology of ascites n, (%)
 Malignant20 (76.92%)
 Non-malignant3 (11.54%)
 Mixed3 (11.54%)
Aetiology of malignant ascites n, (%)
 Pancreatic cancer5 (21.74%)
 Cholangiocarcinoma5 (21.74%)
 Colorectal cancer4 (17.39%)
 Breast cancer3 (13.04%)
 Endometrial cancer2 (8.70%)
 Hepatocellular cancer2 (8.70%)
 Gastric cancer1 (4.35%)
 Oesophageal cancer1 (4.35%)