Research Article

Sedation Is Associated with Higher Polyp and Adenoma Detection Rates during Colonoscopy: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 4

Multivariate logistic regression analysis models evaluating the association between sedation and adenoma detection rate.

SedationCrudeModel IModel II
OR [95% CI]-valueOR [95% CI]-valueOR [95% CI]-value

Yes1.42 [1.31, 1.55]<0.0011.49 [1.35, 1.65]<0.0011.48 [1.33, 1.63]<0.001

Model I adjusted for: sex; age; time of colonoscopy; withdrawal time; volume of endoscopist; and experience of endoscopist. Model II adjusted for: sex; age; year of colonoscopy; time of colonoscopy; reason for colonoscopy; withdrawal time; score of BBPS; volume of endoscopist; and experience of endoscopist.