Research Article

6-OHDA-Induced Changes in Colonic Segment Contractility in the Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Figure 2

Distal colon contractile responses to electrical field stimulation (EFS) and methacholine. Following EFS, frequency-dependent responses were observed in all tissues. The segments showed significant differences in the 6-OHDA group in both EFS- (e) and methacholine-induced contractions (f) compared with Sham ( and , respectively). However, no differences in EFS- and methacholine-mediated contraction were observed between the 6-OHDA and Sham animals in circular (a and b; and , respectively) and longitudinal strips (c and d; and , respectively). * = Significant difference from Sham group; two-way ANOVAs (e) group-concentration interaction , ; (f) group-concentration interaction , .