Research Article

6-OHDA-Induced Changes in Colonic Segment Contractility in the Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease

Table 2

Tissue strip and segment weights (mg) and high K+ Krebs response (mN mg−1) in Sham-operated, 6-OHDA lesioned, and Healthy animals.

Tissue weight (mg)High K+ response per tissue weight (mN mg−1)

Distal colonCircular ()()0.390()0.542() ()0.839 ()0.618
Longitudinal()()0.261 ()0.541 () ()0.209 ()0.837
Segment()()0.218()0.0636() ()0.0010*()0.0141*
Segment (inverted)() ()0.104 () ()0.122
Proximal colonCircular () ()0.0896()0.827 () ()0.105 ()0.0422*
Longitudinal() ()0.604()0.552 () ()0.315 ()0.602
Segment ()()0.260()0.796 () ()0.0028* ()0.0614
Distal ileumSegment () ()0.0734()0.418 () ()0.842 ()0.686

aUnpaired t-test between Sham and 6-OHDA groups; * and bold = significant differences between 6-OHDA and Sham groups.
bUnpaired t-test between Sham and Healthy animals; * and bold = significant differences between Sham and Healthy groups.