Research Article

Essential Workers Balancing Life and Work during the COVID-19 Syndemic in Spain: A Qualitative and Gender-Based Study

Table 2

Thematic overview of the semistructured interview script.

Lockdown(i) What was the impact on emotional health during the lockdown according to gender and reproductive work responsibilities?
(ii) How did the participants perceive cohabitation at home during lockdown according to gender and reproductive work responsibilities? What kind of difficulties did they face?
Care(i) How did their role in essential work impact care relationships (dependent people, minors, elderly people…) and the distribution of reproductive work in the household?

Paid work(i) What kind of challenges did they experience in the work environment during the first year of the syndemic?
(ii) How did the working conditions and relationships with coworkers change during the first year of the syndemic?

COVID-19 experiences(i) Were they afraid of contagion of COVID-19? What was the risk they perceived related to COVID-19?
(ii) Had they, a relative or a person close to them been positive for COVID-19 or had to be quarantined for being a close contact? What were these experiences like?
(iii) Did they experience stigma or discrimination for being an essential worker? What were these situations like?
(iv) What was the experience of non-Spanish born participants of having family in their country of origin during the first year of the syndemic?
Measures and management of the syndemic(i) What do they think about the measures implemented by the government and health authorities in response to the COVID-19 syndemic?