Research Article

Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with the Psychological Maltreatment and Neglect of Child Laborers in Rural Bangladesh

Table 2

Prevalence of emotional maltreatment of child laborers aged 10–17 years.

Maltreatment categoriesMany timesSometimesNot in the past year but happenedNever

Screamed very loudly and aggressively34.452.110.43.1
Called names, said mean things, or cursed34.452.17.36.3
Made you feel ashamed/embarrassed in front of other people27.642.98.221.4
Said that they wished you were dead/had never been born9.726.97.555.9
Threatened to leave forever or abandon7.
Locked out of the home for a long time9.435.48.346.9
Threatened to hurt or kill, including invoking evil spirits13.419.65.261.9
Bullied (teased, embarrassed) so that you feel sad or bad, by another child at home or the workplace21.444.94.129.6

Note. Sample size (N) = 100, (data presented as % unless stated otherwise).