Review Article

Women’s Social Health and Related Factors in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 2

Main characteristics of included studies.

NoFirst authorYearStudy designLocation of the studySampling methodSample sizeAge range or mean ageResult of quality assessment

1Masti and Fakhrayi [18]2014Cross-sectional surveyUrban (maragheh)Multistage random sampling3800Min: 25Fair
Max: Not reported
2Rastegar et al. [19]2015SurveyUrban (shiraz)Multistage cluster sampling3740Min: 18Fair
Mean age: 46.25
3Yahyazadeh and Ramezani [20]2013SurveyUrban (Qurveh)Multistage cluster sampling184025–65Fair
4Farokhnezhad Afshar et al. [21]2017Cross-sectionalUrban (Tehran)Multistage cluster sampling226324Min: 60Fair
Mean age = 66.10 ± 6.68
5Shokrollahi nezhad [22]2016Cross-sectional surveyUrban (Tehran)Random182018–45Fair
6Mohammadi Asl [23]2016Cross-sectional surveyUrban (Khoy)Simple random sampling168016–52Fair
7Hemmati et al. [24]2013SurveyUrban (Roudehen)Random stratified sampling1400Not reportedFair
8Nikvarz [25]2018SurveyUrban (Kerman)Cluster sampling based on the 4 areas of the municipality380015–45Fair
9Shahbazi et al. [26]2017SurveyRural (Ghalaeshahin district in the province) of KermanshahTwo-stage cluster sampling209015–63Fair
10Kamali Dehghan [27]2012SurveyUrban (Karaj)Multistage cluster sampling138128Min: 19Fair
Max: Not reported
11Hossaini Haji Bakandeh and Taghipour [28]2010SurveyUrban (Tehran)Multistage cluster sampling3400Not reportedFair
12Bokharaee et al. [29]2015SurveyUrban (Tehran)Multistage cluster sampling and random sampling385018–55Fair
13Safiri and Mansoirian Ravandi [30]2015SurveyUrban (Tehran)Cluster sampling18024018–29Fair
14Yazdanpanah and Samadian [31]2008SurveyUrban (Kerman)Multistage cluster sampling2980Min: 16Fair
Max: Not reported
15Najaf Abadi Azam [7]2011SurveyUrban (Esfahan)Classification corresponding to individual distribution200015–24Fair
16Ahmadvand and Sharifzadeh [32]2011SurveyRural (Boyer-Ahmad county)Multistage cluster sampling2500Min:16Fair
Max: Not reported
17Alizadeh et al. [33]2014SurveyUrban (Kerman)Cluster sampling300018–73Fair
18Farahmand et al. [34]2016SurveyUrban (Yazd)Multistage cluster sampling566019–62Fair
19Azizmohammadi et al. [35]2019Cross-sectionalUrban (Baharestan county)Convenience sampling291028–50Fair
22.75 ± 3.01
20Sharbatian et al. [36]2020Cross-sectionalUrban (Ferdows city in south Khorasan)Multistage (cluster, random)304020–45Fair
21Amirifar et al. [37]2020Cross-sectionalUrban (Ahvaz)Multistage (cluster, random)3840≥18Fair
22Atefi Hanzani et al. [38]2021Cross-sectionalUrban (Rasht)Multistage cluster sampling3580Mean 43.85 (7.55)Fair