Research Article

Serial Multiple Mediation of Mastery and Sleep Quality in the Relationship between Caregiving Burden and Anxiety among Parental Caregivers of Children with Leukemia in China

Table 3

Regression analyses on the associations among the care burden, mastery, sleep quality, and anxiety.

Direct effectEstimateIndirect effect
PMSISIGAD-795% confidence interval
β (se)β (se)β (se)LowerUpper

ZBCS−0.068 (0.009)0.063 (0.020)0.052 (0.014)
PMS−0.341 (0.118)−0.394 (0.082)
ISI0.388 (0.038)
ZBCS ⟶ PMS ⟶ GAD-70.0270.0140.041
ZBCS ⟶ ISI ⟶ GAD-70.0240.0070.044
ZBCS ⟶ PMS ⟶ ISI ⟶ GAD-70.0090.0020.017

Note. N = 342, , , . Caregiver age, gender, residence, education, marriage, self-rated health, current work, only child, child gender, and caring hours per day were adjusted.