Research Article

Multidimensional Intergenerational Relationship and Social Participation among Late-Life Migrants in China: The Role of Depressive Symptom

Table 1

Exploratory factor analysis of 13-item IRQS-AP (n = 397).

Mean (SD)SkewnessKurtosisRotated component matrixλAVECR

Factor 1: intergenerational conflict (VE: 28.9%)0.5490.785
 (6). How often do you have tense and strained feelings toward him/her?1.66 (0.869)1.220.880.770−0.028−0.094−0.2770.769
 (7). How often do you think he/she makes excessive demands on you?1.70 (0.826)1.211.450.836−0.051−0.035−0.1050.775
 (8). How often does he/she criticize you or your actions?1.79 (0.847)−0.1420.0200.0080.674
Factor 2: consensual-normative solidarity (VE: 15.8%)0.4310.737
 (11). Overall, how similar are your opinions?3.45 (0.811)−0.21−0.13−0.2620.799−0.0210.1840.839
 (12). How similar are your opinions on social issues?3.22 (0.815)0.05−0.17−0.1140.851−0.0430.0120.717
 (13). How similar are your opinions regarding government versus family responsibility for the care of older adults?3.50 (0.846)−0.09−0.25−0.0080.7250.0700.2760.624
 (10). How often do you help with the household chores?4.03 (1.071)−
Factor 3: structural-associational solidarity (VE: 12.9%)0.5580.783
 (1). How closely located are your homes?4.71 (0.866)−3.219.450.0100.0800.804−0.0110.629
 (2). How often have you had face-to-face contact in the past 12 months?4.71 (0.829)−2.937.51−0.0460.0190.885−0.0200.959
 (3). How often have you contacted each other by phone, letter, or e-mail in the past 12 months?4.57 (0.920)−2.223.86−0.067−0.0280.7620.0930.599
Factor 4: affectual closeness (VE: 7.8%)0.5560.770
 (4). What are your general feelings of closeness to him/her?4.38 (0.748)−1.030.90−0.3650.2190.0170.7130.825
 (5). How well do you get along with him/her?4.31 (0.773)−0.890.49−0.4330.2310.0040.7140.925
 (9). How often do you receive gift/money from him/her?3.52 (0.928)−0.730.290.0360.1260.0240.7300.362

Note. VE = variance explained; SD = standardized deviation; λ = standardized factor loading; AVE = average variance extracted; CR = composite reliability; ; .