Review Article

Exploring the Landscape of Eco-Mapping in Health Services Research: A Comprehensive Review

Table 1

Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria

Population(i) Any clinical population or study participants(i) None

Concept(i) Application of applying eco-mapping/eco-map(s) in research studies defined as visual illustrations with the individual or family unit placed at the center, surrounded by relationships they identified as part of their social environment(i) Application of a similarly termed tool, such as “ecograms”

Context(i) Applied in health services research defined as research to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health professionals and the healthcare system through changes to practices and policy(i) Non-health services research context, such as education or environmental research

Characteristics(i) Published in English(i) Non-peer-reviewed
(ii) Contains primary data(ii) Paper type (i.e., dissertation, commentary, and conference abstract)
(iii) Any study design