
Background: Haemophilus influenzae septic abortion is typically caused by nontypeable strains of the organism. Furthermore, nontypeable species with a special affinity for the genital tract are the most frequent isolates encountered, and an ascending vaginal or cervical infection is often the suspected route of transmission.Case: A 39-year-old woman at 8 weeks gestation who underwent dilation, evacuation, and curettage for embryonic demise had clinical evidence for sepsis and isolation of a nontypeable, ampicillin resistant H. influenzae from blood cultures. Although an ascending vaginal infection was suspected, the route of transmission was not determined.Conclusion: Nontypeable strains of. H. influenzae have demonstrated increased beta-lactamase activity, and ampicillin, formerly the treatment of choice, should be used only if isolate susceptibility is known.