Clinical Study

Kinetics and Determining Factors of the Virologic Response to Antiretrovirals during Pregnancy

Table 3

Distribution of therapeutic drug monitoring results of protease inhibitors during pregnancy.


1st trimester742100
 Low2 (29)1 (25)1000
 Normal4 (57)3 (75)1000
 High1 (14)00100
2nd trimester5728171002
 Low20 (35)7 (25)6 (35)5 (50)02
 Normal34 (60)21 (75)10 (59)3 (30)00
 High3 (5)01 (6)2 (20)00
3rd trimester1855422
 Low8 (44)1 (20)4 (80)2 (50)10
 Normal9 (50)4 (75)1 (20)2 (50)02
 High1 (6)00010

Numbers (%) represent pregnant women taking PI doses recommended for adults.
Abbreviations: IDVr = indinavir/ritonavir; LPVr = lopinavir/ritonavir; NFV = nelfinavir; RTV = ritonavir; SAQr = saquinavir/ritonavir.