Clinical Study

Kinetics and Determining Factors of the Virologic Response to Antiretrovirals during Pregnancy

Table 4

Relationship between virologic response to ARV during pregnancy and selective factors that may affect this response.

Factor (%) undetectable (%) detectable value

Country of origin.16
 US39 (80)10 (20)
 Mexico11 (79)3 (21)
 African country15 (100)0
HIV plasma RNA at first visit
50,000 copies/mL6 (75)2 (25).63
50,000 copies/mL72 (83)15 (17)
Prepregnancy ARV.27
 Naive33 (77)10 (23)
 Experienced40 (87)6 (13)
 Performed53 (79)14 (21)
 Not performed25 (89)3 (11)
50%1 (100)0
 50% to 95%3 (50)3 (50)
95%29 (94)2 (6)
Psychosocial support.01
 Utilized63 (89)8 (11)
 Not utilized15 (63)9 (37)