Review Article

Preconception and Contraceptive Care for Women Living with HIV

Table 5

Drug interactions between antiretroviral agents and hormonal contraceptives.

Antiretroviral (ARV) drugEffect on drug levelsDosing recommendation/clinical comment

Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)

Oral ethinyl estradiol/norgestimate No effect on ethinyl estradiol concentrations: active metabolites of norgestimate (levonorgestrel AUC 83%; norelgestromin AUC 64%)A reliable method of barrier contraception must be used in addition to hormonal contraceptives. EFV had no effect on ethinyl estradiol concentrations, but progestin levels (norelgestromin and levonorgestrel) were markedly decreased. No effect of ethinyl estradiol/norgestimate on EFV plasma concentrations was observed.
Efavirenz (EFV)Implant: etonogestrelA reliable method of barrier contraception must be used in addition to hormonal contraceptives. The interaction between etonogestrel and EFV has not been studied. Decreased exposure of etonogestrel may be expected. There have been postmarketing reports of contraceptive failure with etonogestrel in EFV-exposed patients.
Levonorgestrel AUC 58%Effectiveness of emergency postcoital contraception may be diminished
Etravirine (ETR)Ethinyl estradiol AUC ↑ 22%
Norethindrone: no significant effect
No dosage adjustment necessary
Nevirapine (NVP)Ethinyl estradiol AUC 20%
Norethindrone AUC 19%
Use alternative or additional methods
DMPA: no significant changeNo dosage adjustment needed

Ritonavir-(RTV-) boosted protease inhibitor (PI)

Atazanavir/ritonavir (ATV/r) Ethinyl estradiol
↑ Norgestimate
Oral contraceptive should contain at least 35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol. Oral contraceptives containing progestins other than norethindrone or norgestimate have not been studied
Darunavir/ritonavir (DRV/r)Ethinyl estradiol AUC 44%
Norethindrone AUC 14%
Use alternative or additional method
Fosamprenavir/ritonavir (FPV/r)Ethinyl estradiol AUC 37%
Norethindrone AUC 34%
Use alternative or additional method
Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r)Ethinyl estradiol AUC 42%
Norethindrone AUC 17%
Use alternative or additional method
Saquinavir/ritonavir (SQV/r) Ethinyl estradiolUse alternative or additional method
Tipranavir/ritonavir (TPV/r)Ethinyl estradiol AUC 48%
Norethindrone: No significant change
Use alternative or additional method

PI without RTV

Atazanavir (ATV)Ethinyl estradiol AUC ↑ 48%
Norethindrone AUC ↑ 110%
Oral contraceptive should contain no more than 30 mcg of ethinyl estradiol or use alternative method. Oral contraceptives containing less than 25 mcg of ethinyl estradiol or progestins other than norethindrone or norgestimate have not been studied
Fosamprenavir (FPV)With APV: ↑ ethinyl estradiol and ↑ norethindrone; APV 20%Use alternative method
Indinavir (IDV)Ethinyl estradiol AUC ↑ 25%
Norethindrone AUC ↑ 26%
No dose adjustment
Nelfinavir (NFV)Ethinyl estradiol AUC 47%
Norethindrone AUC 18%
Use alternative or additional method

CCR5 antagonist

Maraviroc (MVC)No significant effect on ethinyl estradiol or levonorgestrelSafe to use in combination

Key to Abbreviations: AUC: area under the curve. DMPA: depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
Source: see [4].