Research Article

Preconception Counseling and Care in the Setting of HIV: Clinical Characteristics and Comorbidities

Table 1

Demographics of women by HIV status.

HIV infected
HIV uninfected

 African-American55% (48)29% (6)50% (54)
 African20% (17)9.5% (2)17% (19)
 Caucasian17% (15)38% (8)21% (23)
 Hispanic3.5% (3)9.5% (2)5% (5)
 Asian3.5% (3)0% (0)3% (3)
 Not reported1% (1)14% (3)4% (4)
 Mean (SD)35.2 (6.3)32.3 (5.2)34.6 (6.2)
 Median (IQR)35 (31–40)34 (29–36) 35 (31–39)
 35 years or older55% (48)38% (8)52% (56)
Substance use*
 Illicit drug use5% (4)10% (2)6% (6)
 Current tobacco use23% (20)0% (0)19% (20)
 Heavy alcohol use (>7 drinks/week)2% (2)0% (0)2% (2)
HIV transmission risk
 Heterosexual sex71% (62)
 Injection drug use11.5% (10)
 Heterosexual sex or injection drug use2% (2)
 Blood transfusion3.5% (3)
 Unknown11% (10)
Male partner HIV status
 HIV infected26.4% (23)100% (21)
 HIV uninfected/unknown64.4% (56)
 No partner9.2% (8)

Data are % otherwise stated.
*Complete data available for 104 participants.
—: not applicable.