Clinical Study

Spectrum of Maternofetal Outcomes during Dengue Infection in Pregnancy: An Insight

Table 2

Hematological indices and their variation during hospital stay.

ā€‰Platelet count (103/L)Hematocrit (%)Blood product transfusionDiagnosis

12422394536 YDSS
218183337.633 YDSS
37919353731.1 YDSS
4123123292928 NDF
5402423.43023.4 YDHF
64545303128 NDF
71701432.434.929 YDHF
8242027.83027 YDHF
91818424231 YDHF
103232384433 YDHF
119062333633 NDF
1219043323932 NDHF
137676293329 NDF
144239404135 YDHF
15310160313232 NDF
161616393930 YDHF