Research Article

Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy: What Do the Pregnant Women of Nigeria Know and Do about It?

Table 2

Malaria prevention practice among the pregnant women in Nigeria.

ItemFrequency (, %)

LLIN experience
Had LLIN306, 79.7%
Were you instructed on how to use LLINs when acquired?250, 65.1%
Slept under LLIN the last night160, 41.5%
If you had LLIN, where did you purchase?
ANC visit117, 39.7%
Local shops and H/HCs12, 4.0%
Do not know172, 56.2%
Others5, 1.7%
The reasons for not sleeping in the net
Feels hot inside128, 57.1%
Make me sneeze39, 19.0%
Hate the smell17, 8.3%
Others40, 19.5%

SP experience
Received SP in the current pregnancy214, 55.7%
Took SP under DOT119, 31.0%
Reminded to return for the next SP dose138, 35.9%
Taken three SP doses in the current pregnancy45, 11.6%
At what month of your pregnancy did you swallow the first dose of SP?1-3 mnth52, 13.5%
4-6 mnth150, 39.1%
7-9 mnth6, 1.5%
Cannot remember6, 1.5%
Did not use SP170, 44.3%

Malaria experience
If one suffered from malaria in the current pregnancyYes304, 79.2%
No73, 18.9%
Do not know7, 1.8%

ANC experience
ANC started during1-2 mnth99, 25.5%
3-4 mnth232, 60.5%
5-6 mnth45, 11.8%
7-8 mnth5, 1.3%
9 mnth3, 0.9%
No. of ANC attended1-282, 21.3%
3-461, 15.8%
5-681, 21.1%
7-868, 17.7%
More than eight times92, 24.0%

Notes: AM: antimalarial medications; ANC: antenatal care visit; H/HC: hospital/health center; LLIN: long-lasting impregnated mosquito nets; mnth: month; SP: sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine.