Research Article

Similarity Patterns and Stability of Environmental Response in Sunflower Hybrids

Table 1

List of commercial and experimental sunflower hybrids tested in anticipated sowing dates in 2007-08 and 2008-09 at Valenzano and Foggia (Southern Italy), specified for productive attitude and source.


BMontijoHigh oleicDANISCO
CProleic 204High oleicSIS
DCarniaHigh oleicSIS
EAlliance RMConventionalSIS
GBestHigh oleicDANISCO
H1-UDConventionalUniversity of Udine
I2-UDHigh oleicUniversity of Udine
J3-UDConventionalUniversity of Udine
K4-UDHigh oleicUniversity of Udine